Lighting Design
Bedlam Shakespeare in Rehab
Manayunk Theatre Company
Philadelphia Fringe Festival
Devised by Manayunk Theatre Company
Directed by Amanda Coffin
Clown Sex Ed
Tribe of Fools
Philly Improv Theatre
Devised by Tribe of Fools
Directed by Lexa Grace
I Will Speak for Myself
59 E 59 Street Theatre
East to Edinburgh Festival
By Valerie Joyce
Directed by Valerie Joyce
12 Angry Jurors
Vagabond Players
Baltimore, MD.
Adapted by Sherman L. Sergel, based on the Emmy Award-winning television movie by Reginald Rose
Directed by Lindsey R. Barr
Peter Pan Jr.
Firebird Theatre
Phoenixville PA.
Directed by Courtney Boches
Choreography by Caitlyn Colgan
Lighting Design by Christen Mandracchia
Costume Design by Courtney Boches
Music Man Jr.
Firebird Theatre
Phoenixville PA.
Directed by Courtney Boches
Choreography by Caitlyn Colgan
Lighting Design by Christen Mandracchia
Costume Design by Courtney Boches